Photo of K-9 leader Deputy Jonathan Luchak, STAND T.A.L.L. VP Sharon Hanson & K-9 Deputy Patrick Damato received a protective helmet and bite sleeve to be used for K-9 training.
Recently, Sharon Hanson, VP of STAND T.A.L.L. contacted Deputy Jonathan Luchak, Polk County K-9 leader to ask him if there were some items his team needed for their K-9 training that weren’t in their current budget.
Deputy Luchak provided us with a list of several items that would enhance the training capability of the K-9 handlers. Ms. Hanson, working with Ron Kauffman, President of STAND T.A.L.L., received their Board’s approval to purchase several items to donate for the K-9 division’s training capability.
Items that STAND T.A.L.L. recently funded include two covered 10x10 dog pens to house two of their K-9 dogs, a drug training wall for narcotic search training, an ice hockey helmet to protect officers who role play as criminals that are hiding to prevent bites to their faces and heads, and a bite sleeve to use so the K-9s don’t associate their required aggressive behavior when they see an officer wearing a full bite suit.

Those pieces of equipment, costing almost $2000, were purchased and have been delivered and put into use. Deputy Luchak, on behalf of Sheriff Tim Wright and Chief Deputy Jeff Ramsey of the PCSO delivered a letter from the PCSO to thank them for their generosity. The letter stated, “We’re very grateful. I can’t tell you how much it means to us to have an organization like STAND T.A.L.L. available to step up to help us.”
Ron Kauffman said, “STAND T.A.L.L. is now looking to the citizens of Polk County to help raise the funds needed to continue to purchase additional items needed for the K-9s of the PCSO. The officers and their K-9s are working to protect the people of Polk County, and it would be wonderful if the citizens of the county would show their appreciation by contributing to help us provide the them with the additional equipment they need to help them better perform their duties.”